The MCU tried to aggrandize its cast of superheroes by integrating Spider-Man into the mix in Captain America: Civil War. After an already attempted reboot, the odds were against this pseudo-origin story from being a success although the lovable childish charms of Tom Holland's take on the character was its one silver lining. The end result is a sporadically entertaining special effects driven comedy-drama that lacks in consistent humor, engaging action and serious drama.
Spider-Man: Homecoming diverted away from the other Spidey entries by focusing more time on Peter Parker rather than Spider-man. The film is heavily inspired by 80's high school comedy-dramas. It's more lighthearted and comical, which ultimately works against the movie because it's hard taking any of the perilous situations seriously. The action scenes are unimpressive and more been-there-done-that. Some of the jokes land while others are just lame, annoying, and/or repetitive (i.e. Penis Parker, ice cream in the car). There were some good performances (Michael Keaton as Vulture) and an interesting little twist, yet they didn't carry the punch needed to redeem the film.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is just another byproduct of an already successful formula. No risks were taken, no characters died, and no lasting impression was left. The MCU continues to play it safe and only when they decide to stop playing it safe will they finally produce something truly great. 4/10