It Sequel in Trouble!
Stephen King’s It is regarded by some to be one of the most terrifying books to date. The 2017 remake of the 1990 miniseries doesn't come remotely close to that level. It delivered mainstream goods with disturbing mutilations, solid performances, a plethora of jump scares, and plenty of comedic lines delivered gleefully by profane-centric kids. Once you look past the surface of It you realize it's not scary, its got no character, its got no heart, and is really nothing but a clown trying to jump scare you to death!
The 1990 miniseries worked better due to its appropriate handling of transitioning between the characters’ adolescence into their adulthood. As kids, they won a crucial battle against It, yet they were still deeply scarred by the terror of It. In this movie, they defeat It by overcoming their fear which is how It kills you, through fear. So how the hell is the sequel supposed to be worth anything if Pennywise comes back and the adult versions of the kids aren't afraid of him. He is no threat and It 2 won't do anything new but try and jump scare the audience every five seconds. The filmmakers don't seem to get that good horror is not all about jump scare after jump scare. You don't build tension with jump scares, you release tension with a jump scare.
The horror of It proved to be utterly ineffective and too try-hard. The lack of character depth left the film feeling soulless and empty. The humor was more shocking then refreshing. The sequel is in serious trouble and is almost a mission impossible to make it good if the filmmakers are just going to do the same thing. In the filmmakers eyes, the financial success of this film justifies every decision they made and why not imitate themselves for Part 2. Their funeral.